• Raven Falling from the Sky-world
  • Raven Falling from the Sky-world

Raven Falling from the Sky-world

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  • Red cedar, cedar bark, paint, horse hair

    20" x 18" x 6"

    In ancient times, a chief had an adulterous wife, who had a baby by another man. The chief slayed the lovers & the boy, who proved to be supernatural, became a young man in days. From a hummingbird he made a suit of feathers & flew up to the Sky-world. He married the Chief of the Sky-world's daughter & they had a baby. One day, the baby fell to the world below, & was brought to his grandfather’s village. The boy announced that he was Raven & ate all the food in the village, before leaving to become the trickster that we know from the legends.

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